Family Photoshoot in a Puglia country home

Shannon and Rich moved to Italy last year, and I recently had the opportunity to document their new life.

We played, we laughed, and we paused for cuddles - exactly what this family is all about.

One of their sons, Miles is autistic and so unsure how he would respond, we allowed plenty of time for this photo shoot and were sure to include all of his favourite things- the new “tractor”, their scooter, and plenty of dad time.

At one point I asked their youngest son, Nico, “What’s the best thing about living in Italy?”. Without hesitation, he replied “Our pool!”. It was too cold to throw him in, but as you can see, we included it in our backdrop.

I noticed that Vincent’s “go-to” for a quiet moment was a cuddle with their dog and it was “challenge accepted” when he told me “She won’t sit still for you!”. See for yourself in the slideshow below.


Family-friendly sailing from Brindisi in Puglia


Couple Celebrate their Move to Italy